Stopping a Roof Leak in Seattle

The Fall weather is now in full swing here in the Northwest. A quick transition between seasons with rain and wind appearing more regularly has unearthed unexpected problems for some homeowners throughout the Puget Sound. The heavy rain and winds can wear at your roofing over time, causing roof leaks and other damage. Your home could be vulnerable without you even having knowledge of it, or perhaps you do but don’t know what the best solution is for your home.
If you end up finding yourself with a roof leak or you’re simply concerned that your Seattle roof might not make it through another season, let us put your mind at ease with our Leak Stop Guarantee program. The first thing to do when there is an active leak in a roof is to identify its location and put a stop to it as fast as possible, preventing further damage to the home. Valentine Roofing’s Leak Stop Guarantee program ensures that if your roof is leaking, our team will go to your home and secure the leak now while you’re waiting for your new roof to be safely installed. Putting a stop to any further potential damage to your home, roof deck, attic, and more will save you from increased costs and ensure you and your family are safe from the outside elements. Rest assured that your home is under our immediate care the moment you hire Valentine Roofing.